10 Types Of Youtube Videos Small Businesses Should Create [infographic]

Sunnyside Social Media 12:32 pm on May 22, 2024

**Summary (Under 100 words):** Small businesses should consider YouTube as a key platform for marketing and SEO due to its large user base. This infographic by Marissa K outlines ten video types that can help in audience engagement, from product launches to technical tutorials, enhancing online presence and brand development. **Bullet Points (HTML Format):**

  • Diverse Video Types: Small businesses on YouTube should create videos covering various aspects such as product introductions, usability tests, technical support, social media content, and more.
  • Enhanced Engagement: By producing relevant and quality content, small businesses can build an engaged following on the platform.
  • Improved Online Presence: Effective video marketing strategies contribute to better SEO and a stronger online footprint for small enterprises.
  • Market Research Insights: Marissa K's infographic draws from Social Media Today's client testimonials, offering real-world insights into video marketing success.
  • Professional Development Support: The guide is part of a broader service package, including SEO, social media, and technical support from dedicated professionals.
**Category Selection:** YouTube

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