A Small Business Social Media Guide for Beginners [infographic]

Sunnyside Social Media 12:32 pm on May 22, 2024

**Summary (Under 100 words):** A beginner-friendly guide for small businesses to start and manage social media effectively. Highlights include goal setting, leveraging services from SunnySide Social Media, using infographics as a tool for understanding marketing strategies, and contact options. The content emphasizes the importance of social media in growing revenue and brand recognition.

  • Goal Setting: Begin with defining clear objectives to measure success.
  • Services Overview: Explore a range of offerings from creative services to ADA compliance.
  • Infographic Utility: Use the guide's infographic for quick insights into social media strategies.
  • Contact Information: Easy accessibility provided with contact details and a subscription option.
  • Social Media Impact: Understand how social platforms can boost revenue and brand awareness.

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