How to Measure Social Media Marketing Roi [with Expert Advice]

Focus less on budget and more on the impact of your social ads by measuring social media marketing ROI, plus tips from
The HubSpot Marketing Blog 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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  • ROI Calculator Tool: Calculator Soup offers a simple ROI calculator for analyzing social media marketing investments and performance, catering to those with limited math skills.
  • Versatility: Although not specific to social media, it's adaptable for any marketing campaign analysis involving initial investment and income returns over time frames.
  • Investment Strategies: Reflects the diversity of approaches businesses may take with their advertising budget, emphasizing informed decision-making based on ad performance metrics.
  • Editor's Note and Updates: Highlights the importance of current knowledge by referencing a significant update to the post from July 2016.
  • Promotional Content: Mentions free marketing resources like guides, tools, and software that can complement Calculator Soup's utility for marketers.

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