Special Ad Categories for Asc

You can now create Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns that promote Special Ad Categories like Credit, Employment, Housing,
Jon Loomer 5:30 pm on May 26, 2024

The article discusses how Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns on Facebook have evolved to include Special Ad Categories previously unavailable, allowing for targeted advertising within legal constraints of Credit, Employment, Housing, and Social/Political issues. These campaigns are now optimized through various Performance Goals, with tools such as 'Categorize Your Ads' guiding users in categorization.

  • Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns Expansion:
    • Now includes Special Ad Categories for Credit, Employment, Housing, and Social/Political ads.
  • Performance Goal Optimization:
    • Campaigns can be optimized using standard or custom events for targeted advertising.
  • Legal Compliance and Targeting Restrictions:
    • Advertisers must select appropriate Special Ad Categories to maintain compliance with legal restrictions.
  • Categorization Assistance Tool:
    • The 'Categorize Your Ads' feature helps determine the need for category categorization during campaign creation.
  • Resource for Enhancing Facebook Marketing Skills:
    • Jon Loomer offers a daily newsletter and video tutorials to improve knowledge in Meta advertising.


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