The Free Video Metadata Inspector

The Ayrshare Free Video Metadata Inspector is a simple web tool for extracting metadata from multimedia streams and
Ayrshare 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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The Free Video Metadata Inspector is a free tool for extracting metadata from multimedia files using ffmpeg, supporting YouTube and Youtube Live streaming sources. It provides various features like playing/pausing video, changing quality settings, and displaying playback statistics without internet access. The tool respects user privacy by allowing users to manage consent for cookies usage on the website.

  • Tool: Free Video Metadata Inspector
  • Features: Extract metadata using ffmpeg, support YouTube streaming.
  • Functionality: Playback control, quality adjustment, statistics display without internet.
  • Privacy: User consent for cookies usage and opt-out options.
  • Compatibility: Supports multimedia formats, YouTube streams

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