7 Ways to Grow Your Email List (and Your Revenue) in 2024

The HubSpot Marketing Blog 12:33 pm on May 22, 2024

**Summary (<100 words):** HubSpot offers comprehensive marketing tools that help businesses build email lists and execute effective campaigns while ensuring privacy. It includes eBook downloads, free software like Chatbot Builder, Marketing Analytics, Landing Page Builder, and more, catering to diverse marketers' needs for growth and efficiency. **Major Bullet Points:**

  • HubSpot provides a plethora of free resources such as eBook downloads, web hosting, and sales email templates.
  • Includes tools like Email Tracking Software, AI Content Writer, and an Online Form Builder to enhance marketing strategies.
  • Supports growth through a free Chatbot Builder for engagement and Live Chat Software for customer interaction.
  • Features Marketing Analytics and Landing Page Builders for measuring success and optimizing campaigns.
  • Emphasizes user privacy with a Privacy Policy, ensuring secure communication and data handling.


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