The 46 Best Cover Letter Examples: What They Got Right

Looking for inspiration on how to showcase your skills and experienceLooking for inspiration on how to showcase your skills and experience?
The HubSpot Marketing Blog 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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**Summary ():** A comprehensive guide to crafting a compelling cover letter that resonates with hiring managers by highlighting unique qualities and conveying genuine enthusiasm, while adhering to legal standards. The document provides practical advice for effective cover letters. **Bullet Points (

  • ):** - Highlight Uniqueness: Showcase what sets you apart from other applicants by emphasizing your unique skills and experiences relevant to the job. - Genuine Enthusiasm: Convey authentic excitement for the opportunity, which can be more appealing than generic statements of interest. - Legal Compliance: Ensure adherence to employment laws and standards by understanding applicable statutes and regulations. - Personalization: Tailor cover letters for each job application, demonstrating a genuine effort in your communication. - Contact Preferences: Respect applicant's choices regarding receiving unsolicited communications by providing opt-out options. **Category ():** This text can be categorized under "Job Applications" and "Professional Development".

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