A Guide to Custom Metrics in Meta Ads Manager

Custom metrics are a great way to create metrics that are unique to your performance measurement through the use of
Jon Loomer 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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This article by Jon Loomer discusses the creation and use of custom metrics in Facebook advertising to track unique actions like conversion events that are specific to a brand or campaign. It highlights common issues with formula errors due to naming conventions for these metrics and offers solutions such as using custom conversion mapped events or avoiding spaces in metric names.

  • Custom Metrics Introduction: Jon Loomer explains the utility of custom metrics on Facebook Ads, allowing advertisers to track unique campaign-specific actions.
  • Formula Errors: Issues arise when using spaces in metric names, causing errors in formulas; he suggests two solutions to this problem.
  • Creating Custom Metrics: The article outlines the need for custom metrics due to standard metrics' limitations and their potential unique use cases within a business context.
  • Sign-Up Information: Details are provided on how to join Jon Loomer's PHC, access newsletters, daily tips, and one-on-one consulting services for Facebook advertisers.
  • Technical Recommendation: A notice about JavaScript functionality is given to ensure optimal experience on the platform.


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