How to Pick Your Campaign Objective

Your campaign objective doesn't control optimization for ad delivery. The performance goal does thatYour campaign objective doesn't control optimization for ad delivery. The performance goal does that.
Jon Loomer 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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Jon Loomer provides insights for advanced Facebook advertisers in his "Advanced Meta Ads Tips" blog, emphasizing understanding campaign objectives and performance goals. The objective streamlines campaign creation by guiding ad set settings while optimization focuses on targeting desired actions, not necessarily sales.

  • Understand Objective Purpose: Highlights the difference between a campaign objective and performance goal in Facebook ad campaigns.
  • Objective Streamlines Creation: Clarifies how objectives influence ad set settings for targeting and deliverability, without directly influencing sales optimization.
  • Performance Goals Optimize Action Targeting: Describes how different performance goals guide ad optimization to drive desired user actions on Facebook.
  • Campaign Objective Selection: Advises selecting an objective that best represents campaign goals and considering conversion location and performance goal priority.
  • Stay Updated with Daily Videos & Newsletter: Offers resources for advertisers to keep up-to-date with the latest Meta advertising strategies.

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