How Meta Could Improve Campaign Construction Flow

Meta's campaign construction flow is unnecessary cluttered and complexMeta's campaign construction flow is unnecessary cluttered and complex.
Jon Loomer 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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This text outlines Jon Loomer's proposal for restructuring Meta Advertising Objectives to focus solely on value-based conversions, removing various metrics and objectives not directly tied to conversion. It suggests moving certain actions like landing page views, link clicks, etc., to Engagement or Awareness categories, with calls potentially retaining a separate category pending the creation of specific goals for quality traffic behavior. The text invites feedback on this simplified objective flow approach and mentions additional resources and services offered through Loomer's PHC platform.

  • Propose restructuring Meta Advertising Objectives focusing on conversions.
  • Remove unrelated metrics, such as link clicks from Engagement to Awareness.
  • Suggest categorizing actions like landing page views under Engagement.
  • Highlight potential for future calls metric category based on quality traffic behavior goals.
  • Encourage feedback and mention PHC's additional services and resources.

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