Is a Special Ad Category Required

If you're not sure whether a Special Ad Category is required, Meta is rolling out a new feature to categorize your ads
Jon Loomer 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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Jon Loomer provides insights for advanced Facebook marketers, emphasizing the importance of declaring Special Ad Categories for campaigns targeting Credit, Employment, Housing, or Social issues to remain compliant with legal restrictions. The new feature in Meta's ad system allows categorization based on whether an advertisement fits these criteria.

  • Special Ad Category Identification: Importance of declaring categories for sensitive topics.
  • New Categorization Feature: Meta's tool helps marketers determine category requirements.
  • Compliance with Laws: Avoiding legal issues by adhering to restrictions in targeted categories.
  • Potential Use of Answers by Meta: Uncertainty if responses aid in ad safety assessments.
  • Daily Video Updates: Subscribe for daily tips and insights from Jon Loomer.

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