How to Streamline & Monetize Comment Moderation Using Ai

According to research from Microsoft, 74% reports that the perception of a brand improves when it's clear the company
Agorapulse 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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  • Arwen AI integrates with social media platforms to listen, engage, and analyze user interactions for brands.
  • It utilizes emotion AI technology to detect customer sentiments and enhance responsiveness.
  • Offered as part of a comprehensive package, including Engage product, customized solutions, and third-party integrations.
  • Future roadmap includes expanding into gaming platforms like Reddit and Google Play Store reviews while maintaining quick social media response capabilities.
  • Arwen AI is accessible via their website and actively seeks out collaborators through email communication.
Arwen AI provides a suite of tools for brands to engage with customers across various platforms, using emotion AI and rapid response features. They plan on expanding services while continuing to offer personalized solutions for individual needs. Interested parties can contact through the official website or email.

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