The 4 Most Controversial Billboards Of 2024 So Far

Why did Bumble's fumble and Calvin Klein's FKA Twigs ad provoke such strong reactions?
Adweek Feed Social Pro Daily 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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**Summary ():** After Bumble's celibacy-themed ad led to backlash for perceived misogyny and patronization, the brand promptly withdrew it, issued an apology, and embraced a campaign targeting exhausted women. AIDS Healthcare Foundation's controversial STD check billboard outside Coachella resulted in tensions between brands protecting their image and advertising opportunities for public goodwill. Additionally, Swehl faced clearance issues over its pregnant ad, but the brand used it to highlight gender double standards. **Summary (

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: - Bumble's celibacy-themed advertisement sparked outrage and led to an apology and campaign revamp. - Coachella's AIDS Healthcare Foundation billboard raised issues between brand image preservation and public engagement. - Swehl's pregnant ad faced rejection but ultimately highlighted gender bias in advertising.

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