Kimberly Clark's New Top Marketer Has a Plan and Money to Spend

The company aims to continue growth without relying on endless price increases.
Adweek Feed Social Pro Daily 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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Patricia Corsi has been appointed as Kimberly-Clark's new top marketer with plans to increase advertising spend and focus on products like Kleenex and Depend. She brings experience in creating educational platforms that destigmatize sensitive health topics, aiming to leverage the company's longstanding reputation while countering inflation by maintaining customer loyalty through quality rather than lower prices.

  • New Marketing Director: Patricia Corsi appointed as Kimberly-Clark top marketer.
  • Advertising Increase: Plans to escalate ad spend, with previous increases noted in prior years.
  • Focus on Key Products: Emphasizing brands like Kleenex and Depend due to aging population demographics.
  • Educational Initiatives: Utilizes experience from creating the Vagina Academy for brand destigmatization.
  • Quality Over Price: Aims to retain customers by promoting product excellence amidst rising inflation pressures.

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