The Game Is Changing: Generative Ai in Marketing With Katie Richman

The impact of Generative AI in Marketing and how marketers should be approaching AI, both for themselves and for their
The Social Media HatWhen One More Hat Is One Too Many 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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Mike Allton discusses AI in Marketing with Katie Richman, emphasizing its transformative impact and potential applications within social media strategies. They delve into personalization for user experiences, SEO optimization using AI, and the integration of AI tools to enhance marketing efforts.

  • AI in Social Media Marketing: Transformative impact discussed by Mike Allton and Katie Richman on AI applications for social media strategies.
  • Personalization & SEO Optimization: The podcast highlights personalizing user experiences using AI, alongside optimizing site searches through AI technology.
  • AI Tools and Implementations: Strategies for integrating AI into various marketing practices are explored to enhance overall effectiveness.
  • Educational Content Creation & Delivery: Mike Allton's role as a speaker, blogger, and strategic partner in providing valuable insights on social media marketing is mentioned.
  • Podcast & Resources: Discussion of the 'AI in Marketing Unpacked' podcast series and its utility for marketers seeking to leverage AI capabilities.

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