Benefit Of Offline Events for Reporting

Offline events can give you great insight into the quality of your leads once they enter your CRM funnelOffline events can give you great insight into the quality of your leads once they enter your CRM funnel.
Jon Loomer 12:34 pm on May 22, 2024

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**Summary (): Jon Loomer discusses leveraging offline events in Facebook ads to gauge lead quality and optimize conversion leads. By analyzing email click-through data from instant forms, he identifies highly engaged leads as those who clicked on multiple links within emails, revealing valuable insights into engagement cost at $8.96 per user. **Bullet Points (

  • ):
  • Jon Loomer explores the use of offline events for measuring lead quality through Facebook ads.
  • He tracks leads from instant forms that click at least twice in emails, indicating a higher level of engagement.
  • Average cost for such highly engaged leads stands at $8.96, highlighting the investment's value.
  • Utilizing 28-day click attribution to understand the correlation between ad clicks and actions beyond standard reporting.
  • This approach provides a clearer picture of lead quality for targeted advertising strategies.

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